Things on the List

Monday, September 14, 2015

Dill Pickle Roll Ups

New Year's  Resolutions have slipped through my grasp again, and even worse, the threat of swimsuit season did not sway me.  After coming so far with my weight loss goals, I am slowly slipping back into old habits.  I blame it on stress, I blame it on health, work, any number of things, but it boils down to I eat too much of the things that aren't good for me, and I don't move enough.

In another effort to get back on track, I am going back to the beginning.  I am going to log my calories and I'm going back to the exercise routine that led me to success in the first place.

Having said that, and I know i've said it before, I am not one for deprivation and suffering, I need good tasty food to eat, and boy do these ever fit the bill.  If you are low carbing it, these are the snack for you.  They are also a nice low calorie snack.  Bur even if you are doing none of that they are a delicious snack that I find myself having to share with my husband.

I'm not going to give you quantities here.  You can make as many or as few as you would like and go from there.  I will say that if you are going to make a bunch and save some for later, let your pickle slices dry for a few minutes on some paper towels, it keeps things crispy and fresh.

Deli Style Turkey Lunchmeat Slices
Dill Pickles, Sandwich Slices, cut in half
Laughing Cow Cheese or Light Cream Cheese-Flavor of your choice softened to room temperature.

Lay one slice of turkey down, and smear either half a packet of laughing cow, or about teaspoon of cream cheese down the center.  Put a dill pickle slice in the center and roll up.

Repeat until you have the amont that you desire.  Happy eating!

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